FASTware, the automation control system ...
                                                           ... tailored for you

In order to fulfill the high requirements of the automation engineers of a company involved in the field of the blowing of PET material, the FASTware project began, in 1988, to allow the control of their machines, which could not be managed in a powerful way by conventional PLC.

FAST SA company was founded in 1992 to market and continue the development of the concepts implemented. In 1998, functions for the control of axes were integrated into the FASTware solution allowing the realization of numerical controls as well as automatism with controls of movements.

In September 2006, FASTware division of FAST SA joined a company of the INFRANOR group, CYBELEC SA. Founded in 1970, CYBELEC SA is the largest Swiss manufacturer of numerical controls in the field of metal forming technology.

Today, FASTware division is specialized in the realization of materials, software solutions and services for controls of automatism and numerical controls.