================================================== = Release notes for FASTware 5.4 Service Pack 1 = ================================================== FBAXIS-2 driver =============== Updated version (FbAxis2.sys Version The main modifications are: 1- Corrected timeout when reading encoder value in case of desynchronisation between node and driver. 2- In case of fail error, return new codes (13 = Illegal OpCode, 23 = Watchdog and 43 = Clock monitor fail) 3- Corrected the Encoder value read on the first TIB1. FBPCI-1A driver =============== Updated version (FbPci1a.sys Version The main modifications are: 1- In ISR: in case of missed interrupt, adjust the transac counter to keep synchro with encoder inputs. 2- Corrected Process Task duration value if it last more than one TIB period. ActiveX FwpANEL =============== Updated version (FwPanel.ocx Version The main modifications are: 1- Added new license control. 2- Added the process task info window. FASTware Development software: ============================== Updated version (FwSysDev.exe Version The main modifications are: 1- Return "Operand unknown" instead of "Operand not the same type" in case of unknown operand. 2- Added a new type of function: functions with Hold. 3- Added management of closed loops functions. 4- Added system variable "FWSIMULMODE" (simulation mode) 5- Support now the management of removed record in X49 data base importation. 6- When importing a X49 Data base, change output pin from "xxx" to "O_xxx" in node declaration and in IOTarget of Actions (VS) because the name of function that change the output can have the same name as the output 7- Corrected problem that occurs when deleting or renaming an option. 8- Removed leading and trailing white space in Find Items. 9- Removed the functions used for simulation if not in simulation mode, (these functions are replaced with 0). CheckBusUtility: ================ Updated version (CheckBusUtility.exe Version The main modifications are: 1- Added the possibility to write word and long. Process2k ========= Updated version (Process2k.lib version The main modifications are: 1- If the application stops due to "forever loop" (does not append anymore when using FwSysDev v5.4.1), the last 100 loops are recorded for the tracer. 2- Changed the monitor variable " function count": it is now corresponding to the documentation: it is the total number of functions evaluated in an inference cycle. 3- Corrected tracer record for boolean (do not register if value does not change). 4- Do not record the monitor variable " max loop" and "process task duration" are not recorded for the initialization cycle. 5- Improved the way to evaluate functions in the inference loop. Take care of closed loop functions. 6- Added an entry point for FwPannel to return somes values needed for the FwPanel process task info window. FASTbus update firmware utility: ================================ Updated version (FbUpdate.exe version The main modifications are: 1- Waiting end of firmware initialisation before checking boards status.